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duckplyr 0.4.1 (2024-07-11)

CRAN release: 2024-07-12


  • df_from_file() and related functions support multiple files (#194, #195), show a clear error message for non-string path arguments (#182), and create a tibble by default (#177).
  • New as_duckplyr_tibble() to convert a data frame to a duckplyr tibble (#177).
  • Support descending sort for character and other non-numeric data (@toppyy, #92, #175).
  • Avoid setting memory limit (#193).
  • Check compatibility of join columns (#168, #185).
  • Explicitly list supported functions, add contributing guide, add analysis scripts for GitHub activity data (#179).


  • Add contributing guide (#179).
  • Show a startup message at package load if telemetry is not configured (#188, #198).
  • ?df_from_file shows how to read multiple files (#181, #186) and how to specify CSV column types (#140, #189), and is shown correctly in reference index (#173, #190).
  • Discuss dbplyr in README (#145, #191).
  • Add analysis scripts for GitHub activity data (#179).

duckplyr 0.4.0 (2024-05-21)

CRAN release: 2024-05-21


Bug fixes

  • Stricter type checks in the set operations intersect(), setdiff(), symdiff(), union(), and union_all() (#169).
  • Distinguish between constant NA and those used in an expression (#157).
  • head(-1) forwards to the default implementation (#131, #156).
  • Fix cli syntax for internal error message (#151).
  • More careful detection of row names in data frame.
  • Always check roundtrip for timestamp columns.
  • left_join() and other join functions call auto_copy().
  • Only reset expression depth if it has been set before.
  • Require fallback if the result contains duplicate column names when ignoring case.
  • row_number() returns integer.
  • is TRUE.
  • summarise(count = n(), count = n()) creates only one column named count.
  • Correct wording in instructions for enabling fallback logging (@TimTaylor, #141).


  • Remove styler dependency (#137, #138).
  • Avoid error from stats collection.



  • Reenable tests that now run successfully (#166).
  • Synchronize tests (#153).
  • Test that vec_ptype() does not materialize (#149).
  • Improve telemetry tests.
  • Promote equality checks to expect_identical() to capture differences between doubles and integers.

duckplyr 0.3.2 (2024-03-17)

CRAN release: 2024-03-17

Bug fixes

  • Run autoupload in function so that it will be checked by static analysis (#122).


duckplyr 0.3.1 (2024-03-08)

CRAN release: 2024-03-10

Bug fixes

  • Forbid reuse of new columns created in summarise() (#72, #106).
  • summarise() no longer restores subclass.
  • Disambiguate computation of log10() and log().
  • Fix division by zero for positive and negative numbers.


  • New fallback_sitrep() and related functionality for collecting telemetry data (#102, #107, #110, #111, #115). No data is collected by default, only a message is displayed once per session and then every eight hours. Opt in or opt out by setting environment variables.
  • Implement group_by() and other methods to collect fallback information (#94, #104, #105).
  • Set memory limit and temporary directory for duckdb.
  • Implement suppressWarnings() as the identity function.
  • Prefer cli::cli_abort() over stop() or rlang::abort() (#114).
  • Translate .data$a and .env$a.
  • Strict checks for column class, only supporting integer, numeric, logical, Date, POSIXct, and difftime for now.
  • If the environment variable DUCKPLYR_METHODS_OVERWRITE is set to TRUE, loading duckplyr automatically calls methods_overwrite().


  • Better duckdb tests.
  • Use standalone purrr for dplyr compatibility.



duckplyr 0.3.0 (2023-12-10)

CRAN release: 2023-12-11

Bug fixes

  • grepl(x = NA) gives correct results.
  • Fix auto_copy() for non-data-frame input.
  • Add output order preservation for filters.
  • distinct() now preserves order in corner cases (#77, #78).
  • Consistent computation of log(0) and log(-1) (#75, #76).



  • Separate and explain the new relational examples (@wibeasley, #84).


  • Add test that TPC-H queries can be processed.


  • Sync with dplyr 1.1.4 (#82).
  • Remove dplyr_reconstruct() method (#48).
  • Render README.
  • Fix code generated by meta_replay().
  • Bump constructive dependency.
  • Fix output order for arrange() in case of ties.
  • Update duckdb tests.
  • Only implement newer slice_sample(), not sample_n() or sample_frac() (#74).
  • Sync generated files (#71).

duckplyr 0.2.3 (2023-11-08)

CRAN release: 2023-11-08


  • Join using IS NOT DISTINCT FROM for faster execution (duckdb/duckdb-r#41, #68).


duckplyr 0.2.2 (2023-10-16)

CRAN release: 2023-10-16

Bug fixes

  • summarise() keeps "duckplyr_df" class (#63, #64).

  • Fix compatibility with duckdb >= 0.9.1.



  • Small README improvements (@maelle, #34, #57).

  • Fix 301 in README.

duckplyr 0.2.1 (2023-09-16)

CRAN release: 2023-09-17

  • Improve documentation.

  • Work around problem with dplyr_reconstruct() in R 4.3.

  • Rename duckdb_from_file() to df_from_file().

  • Unexport private duckdb_rel_from_df(), rel_from_df(), wrap_df() and wrap_integer().

  • Reexport %>% and tibble().

duckplyr 0.2.0 (2023-09-10)

CRAN release: 2023-09-10

  • Implement relational API for DuckDB.

duckplyr 0.1.0 (2023-07-03)

CRAN release: 2023-07-07

Bug fixes

  • Fix examples.


  • Add CRAN install instructions.
  • Satisfy R CMD check.
  • Document argument.
  • Error on NOTE.
  • Remove relexpr_window() for now.


  • Clean up reference.


Initial version, exporting: - new_relational() to construct objects of class "relational" - Generics rel_aggregate(), rel_distinct(), rel_filter(), rel_join(), rel_limit(), rel_names(), rel_order(), rel_project(), rel_set_diff(), rel_set_intersect(), rel_set_symdiff(), rel_to_df(), rel_union_all() - new_relexpr() to construct objects of class "relational_relexpr" - Expression builders relexpr_constant(), relexpr_function(), relexpr_reference(), relexpr_set_alias(), relexpr_window()